
Thai Deodorant Spray

Thai Deodorant Spray

Crystal Deodorant Mist¸ all natural agent that helps neutralize unpleasant body odors¸ inhibits bacterial formation and perspiration. Amazing! Hypoallergenic. 100% Natural. Eliminates Body and Foot Odor. DSA has formulated the first liquid deodorant spray made from natural mineral salts. These are the same salts that are found in DSA's deodorant stones. We know you will find our fine mist spray a welcome addition to our line of 100% pure and natural deodorant products which are good for you and our environment. It's just pure and natural! Ozone friendly. Natural Protection. Kills odor causing bacteria. Can also be used as a foot spray to eliminate foot odors. If fine mist sprayer becomes clogged or fails to spray¸ rinse spray tube with hot water to clear clog.

SKU: 430.007
Size/Form: 1 oz
Manufacture: Deodorant Stones Of America

Our Price: $7.30

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions