
Beta Glucans

Beta Glucans share the same structural and chemical network that makes up the bodies cellular matrix and help support the immune system at the cellular level. Research indicates that beta-glucan is very effective at activating white blood cells known as macrophages and neutrophils, both of which provide the immune system's first lines of defense against foreign material in the body.

A beta-glucan-activated macrophage or neutrophil can recognize and kill tumor cells, remove cellular debris resulting from oxidative damage, speed up recovery of damaged tissue, and further activate other components of the immune system.

The patented immunoStimulant. Numerous scientific studies over the past 20 years have shown the benefits of glucans_ macromolecules that can actually stimulate the immune system. Unlike other beta glucan products_ Natrol's Beta Precise Beta 1_3 glucans are exclusively processed from yeast cell wallsü which share the same structural and chemical network that make up our bodies cellular matrix.

SKU: 423.338
Size/Form: Capsule (30 )
Manufacture: Natrol

Our Price: $19.99

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions