
5-HTP Griff Bean Extract

5-HTP Griff Bean Extract

"Natural Prozac." 5-HTP is related to the amino acid tryptophan, it is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, depression and other related conditions linked to low levels of serotonin. 5-HTP is a raw material the body uses to manufacture serotonin. Should not be taken in conjunction with SSRI medication. 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a mood and appetite regulating neurotransmitter produced within the body. It has been combined with Vitamin C and Vitamin B6, an important cofactor in the conversion to serotonin. Nature's Way uses natural 5-HTP extract from Griffonia simplicifolia beans produced in easy-to-swallow, enteric-coated tablets to minimize any potential gastric discomfort.

SKU: 420.117
Size/Form: TB (60)
Manufacture: Natures Way

Recommended Dosage: Use under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner. Start with a low dose of one tablet (50mg) taken daily with a meal. Increase the dose slowly (every 3-5 days) up to a maximum of four tablets taken daily (200mg). Total daily intake should be divided into two or more doses, with no more than two tablets per dose.

Our Price: $17.99

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions