
Yellow Dock Root

Yellow Dock Root

Yellow Dock is a traditional bitter herb. It is used in cultures around the world for its reputation in supporting healthy blood and liver. It is largely prescribed for diseases of the blood, from a spring eruption, to scurvy, scrofula and chronic skin diseases.

It can be freely used as a tonic and laxative in rheumatism, bilious complaints and as an astringent in piles, bleedings of the lungs, etc. It is also useful in jaundice and as a tonic to the stomach and the system. It was especially favored by English herbalists and used for it's mild laxative effect.

The root tincture is recommended by midwives to help strengthen the blood during pregnancy, and yellow dock tea is a good preventative for women who are prone to vaginal yeast infections and bladder infections.

SKU: 255.097
Size/Form: Capsule (100 )
Manufacture: Nature's Way

Our Price: $9.99

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions